Thursday, January 29, 2009

Book Review: The Appeal by John Grisham

Frankly, this book just pissed me off. It made me so angry about they way 'big money' can buy their way anywhere. In this particular book, it was a seat on a state supreme court.

There wasn't a lot of character development or warmth. I didn't particularly like anyone in the book. Pretty one dimensional. I despised Carl Treadeau, especially at the end. The ending left a bad taste in my mouth.

I asked Steve if he wanted to read it after me (when I had first started) and he said no. 'All of his books are pretty much the same, the main character (the lawyer) is either evil or a saint.' He's right. I have read plenty of Grisham's books and only liked 4 of them: A Time to Kill, The Testament, The King of Torts and The Painted House (which was about baseball, not law). So why did I continue reading this book? Because I was hoping the evil dude would get screwed. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

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