Sunday, January 18, 2009

So I am eliminating some...

You know how I said I watched way too much TV? Well, I am eliminating some. I'm just not going to waste my time watching a few of the shows that I don't like so much: My Name is Earl, Ugly Betty, Reaper and Secret Life of the American Teenager to name just a few. I forgot to DVR Earl on Thurs- oh well!, Ugly Betty got deleted before it was watched- oh well!, Reaper doesn't start until March- haven't missed it- oh well! and SLotAT's acting (and plot- 2 15 year olds getting married? Whatever!) is just plain bad. Except for Miss Molly Ringwald and John Schneider (c'mon, it's Bo Duke!), I don't know why I ever watched the show to begin with. Molly Ringwald reminds me so much of my friend, Marci. It's almost like I'm watching her on the screen. I started watching that in the summer when there wasn't a lot on.

I am, however, adding a show or 2 on to my schedule to see if they are any good... United States of Tara premieres on SHO tonite and I thought 'What the heck? I'll give that a shot.' Toni Colette is in it. She's pretty good. She has multiple personalities disorder. May be funny. We'll see tonite...

FNL was good on Friday but I wish last season's last show was shown the week before (and it could've been and I didn't notice but I don't think so). I missed some things b/c I couldn't remember all the way back to January...

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