Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I am a total slacker! No post in 3 weeks??? For shame! I have A LOT to blog about- just trying to find the time...

AJ is two. He is behind in language so he goes to speech therapy. It is totally funny the words that he DOES say. Like microwave. WTF?? Why does he say microwave and not pig? I will never understand...

So I can't wink. Unless I put real effort into it and then it looks like I put effort into it and is weird. BUT when I eat something sour I can't stop winking. Bizarro. The sour hits a certain spot on my tongue and I keep winking. It's just very weird.

Just a couple of random thoughts...

1 comment:

Kendra said...

And these are the very thoughts that make us good friends, luv ya!