Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2010 Goals & Aspirations

Okay, it is time to commit to my goals for this year. So here they are. Hold me accountable.

* Stick to my fitness plan. I usually do this until October when the days get shorter and it is hard to drag my butt out of bed. I get up at 5:15 a.m. to workout because I can't think of any other time to fit it in to my schedule.

* Practice portion control. It is not exactly dieting. I just need to watch it and not overindulge. It is amazing how I feel after eating the correct portion size. I don't need the extra! So 2 Tbsps of peanut butter not 8... And hey, if I lose a few pounds while doing it- great!

* Go to church more often than last year. This should be easily attainable. We have even received compliments on how well behaved AJ is in church from fellow parishoners.

* Continue trying new recipes. This was a fun goal from last year but I am not going to commit myself to once a week although so far I have done that!

* Read more books than last year. I am off to a good start- I have already finished 3 in January! One was started in early December and I bought one for my Kindle on Christmas but still I finished 3 books. I think I have to read over 22...

* Purge and Organize. I cleaned out the pantry, fridge and freezers a couple of weeks ago... Holy bananas! They were bare after that! I need to tackle the storage room again this year. Aaaahhh!

* Craft more. For me.

* From last year: One silver piece, build a fairy house in the backyard, one scrapbook and do my rock star item!

Man, I hope these happen this year. I'm going to try not to overschedule myself this summer and relax more too. Happy 2010 and good luck with all your goals!!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Purge and organize is a good one!